Friends in Wanstead are in the news with their campaign that urges people to pay an extra penny per pound in tax to protect the most vulnerable from the effects of austerity cuts.
‘Peace and reconciliation’ is the theme of this year’s Christian Aid Week, which runs from 11 to 17 May.
A statement on economic inequality was adopted by Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) on Saturday 5 April. ‘Quakers in Britain commit ourselves to redress the growing inequality…
Peter Ullathorne, treasurer of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM), spoke to the ‘Review of financial activities for 2013’ and described the position as ‘reasonably…
Michael Phipps, of the Church Government Advisory Group, presented proposed revisions to Quaker faith & practice (Qf&p) to Meeting for Sufferings prior to sending them to…
The Canterbury Commitment Group spoke about the structure of their report, which will be presented to Yearly Meeting (YM) 2014 in Bath. The report is to look at progress…
The Quaker Committee for Christian and Interfaith Relations (QCCIR) terms of reference ask it to keep Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) ‘informed of the various movements towards…
The decision to add the name of ‘The Light’ to the Large Meeting House when it is advertised to external customers was discussed at Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) on Saturday 5…
The historical moment when the first same sex marriages became legal in England and Wales on Saturday 29 March was warmly welcomed by many Quakers in Britain. Paul Parker,…
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