12th February 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Progress on sustainability

by Tara Craig

Frances Voelcker, a member of the Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) Sustainability Group, spoke to the group’s written report. She stressed that only half of Area Meetings have…

12th February 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Our Faith in the Future

by Tara Craig

Meeting for Sufferings continued with its work on the new framework document, Our faith in the future. The focus remained on life in Area Meetings. Friends gathered in ‘home…

12th February 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Britain Yearly Meeting budgeting process

by The Friend Newsdesk

Meeting for Sufferings was informed of a minute from the Church Government Advisory Group (CGAG) held on 14 October 2015 on budgeting and updates to Quaker faith & practice…

12th February 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Yearly Meeting 2016

by Tara Craig

Deborah Rowlands, Yearly Meeting clerk designate, made several suggestions for encouraging Friends to attend Yearly Meeting 2016. She recommended urging new people from Area…

12th February 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Looking ahead to April

by Tara Craig

Clerk Ethel Livermore explained that the next Meeting for Sufferings, on 2 April, will focus on ‘Quaker values are active in the world’.

12th February 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Epistle from World Plenary

by The Friend Newsdesk

Extracts from the epistle of the Friends World Committee for Consulation World Plenary held in Pisac, Peru, were read by the clerk of Meeting for Sufferings, Ethel Livermore.

12th February 2016

Friends back Stop Trident events

by Tara Craig

Britain Yearly Meeting has given its support to two major Stop Trident events to be held later this month.

12th February 2016

Friends host workshop on Iona

by Tara Craig

Iona Abbey, one of the oldest and most sacred religious places in all of western Europe, is to be the venue for a workshop run by Quakers in early April.

12th February 2016

Housing takes centre stage

by Tara Craig

Friends House will play host to a conference on housing on Saturday 20 February.

12th February 2016

Friends to demonstrate at Willesden

by Tara Craig

Quakers will attend a demonstration outside Willesden Magisrates’ Court on Wednesday 24 February in support of Sam Sender, of Ealing Meeting, who is being sentenced that day.

Friends mark major centenary
5th February 2016

Friends mark major centenary

by Ian Kirk-Smith