20th November 2015

Arms fair action

by Tara Craig

Campaigners gathered in London on 16 November to show solidary with activists who are resisting an arms fair in Wellington, New Zealand.

13th November 2015

Voices and Choices in Hexham Abbey

by Tara Craig

An exhibition created by Tynedale Friends has opened as part of a two-week-long festival of remembrance at Hexham Abbey and its visitor centre.

‘Made of Money’ anniversary
13th November 2015

‘Made of Money’ anniversary

by Tara Craig
13th November 2015

Friends Peace Team recalls Nepal efforts

by Tara Craig

The Friends Peace Team (FPT) Asia West Pacific (AWP) has published a report on its relief efforts following the massive earthquake in Nepal in April.

13th November 2015

Friends consider the purpose of business

by Tara Craig

More than ninety Friends met on 4 November for the Quakers and Business Group’s eleventh annual conference.

13th November 2015

Closer ties key for QPSW

by Tara Craig

Seventy-five Friends gathered at Swanwick, Derbyshire, from 30 October to 1 November 2015, for the annual Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) autumn conference.

Warwick pushes eco agenda
13th November 2015

Warwick pushes eco agenda

by Tara Craig
13th November 2015

Long Lartin service marks Prisons Week

by Tara Craig

Sunday Worship on BBC Radio 4 on 15 November will be a special service recorded in the chapel of HMP Long Lartin, in Worcestershire, to mark the beginning of Prisons Week. 

13th November 2015

Lancaster Friends engage with local businesses

by Tara Craig

Lancaster Quakers have marked Living Wage Week (1-7 November) by writing to local businesses. Friends wrote of their interest in engaging businesses in conversation about the…

13th November 2015

Health Through Peace

by Tara Craig

A two-day event, Health Through Peace, is taking place at Friends House on 13-14 November.

6th November 2015

Trust welcomes clarification in judicial review

by Tara Craig

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) has issued a statement concerning its recent participation in a judicial review claim brought by the advocacy organisation Cage. The…

German Friends come together
6th November 2015

German Friends come together

by Tara Craig