4th December 2015

Friends witness at Paris climate change conference

by The Friend Newsdesk

Quakers came from all over the world to attend the international climate change conference (COP21) held this week in Paris.

4th December 2015

Europe – a castle or a community?

by The Friend Newsdesk

The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) and Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) are holding a joint conference in Brussels from 4 to 6 December entitled ‘Castle or…

Friends join climate justice call
4th December 2015

Friends join climate justice call

by Tara Craig
Kingston Quaker Centre scoops architecture award
4th December 2015

Kingston Quaker Centre scoops architecture award

by Tara Craig
Pilgrimage brings understanding
4th December 2015

Pilgrimage brings understanding

by Tara Craig
4th December 2015

US Quaker activist visits UK

by Tara Craig

Eileen Flanagan, clerk of the Earth Quaker Action Team, will speak at Friends House on 14 December.

Liverpool Friends in sustainability move
4th December 2015

Liverpool Friends in sustainability move

by Tara Craig
27th November 2015

Friends House statement on terrorism

by The Friend Newsdesk

Britain Yearly Meeting has made a statement responding to recent events in Paris and the widespread ‘terror alert’ in areas of Europe. The statement urges a nonviolent response…

27th November 2015

FWCC statement

by Tara Craig

The Peace and Service Consultation of the Europe and Middle East Section (EMES) of the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has issued a statement in the aftermath…

New Greenham archives
27th November 2015

New Greenham archives

by Tara Craig
27th November 2015

Refugee concern

by Tara Craig

A group of High Wycombe Quakers recently met their member of parliament to discuss the refugee crisis. Friends had what they described as ‘a frank and positive meeting’ with…

27th November 2015

Quaker project celebrates new website

by Tara Craig

The Quaker Care stores in Belfast recently launched a new website, marking the occasion with a party.