Leaveners turn to film
8th January 2016

Leaveners turn to film

by Tara Craig
8th January 2016

EMES worship in Pisac

by Tara Craig

The Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has released details of the worship slot for its Europe & Middle East Section (EMES) at the upcoming plenary in Peru.

8th January 2016

Friends extend welcome at Christmas

by Tara Craig

Refugees were among those who found a warm welcome at Meeting houses over the holiday period. Stockport Meeting invited asylum seekers staying at a local hotel to lunch at the…

Woodbrooke welcomes new face
8th January 2016

Woodbrooke welcomes new face

by Tara Craig
Keswick Meeting House flooded
11th December 2015

Keswick Meeting House flooded

by The Friend Newsdesk
11th December 2015

Meeting for Sufferings: Your Area, your Meeting

by Tara Craig

Meeting for Sufferings was held over the weekend of 4 to 6 December at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham, a change from its normal Saturday meeting in London. Much…

11th December 2015

Meeting for Sufferings: Quaker faith & practice

by Tara Craig

Catherine James, convenor of the Church Government Advisory Group (CGAG), spoke to a paper of draft amendments to Quaker faith & practice. The paper was brought to Meeting for…

11th December 2015

Meeting for Sufferings: Quaker Life Central Committee

by Tara Craig

The Quaker Life Central Committee (QLCC) has not been an entirely happy group, but has been better this year, assistant clerk Jocelyn Burnell told Sufferings. She spoke first of…

11th December 2015

Meeting for Sufferings: Central Nominations Committee Review Group

by Tara Craig

Alison Breadon spoke to a report from the Central Nominations Committee Review Group. Alison admitted that it is ‘hard to explain what the Central Nominations Committee (CNC)…

11th December 2015

Meeting for Sufferings: Listed Informal Groups

by Tara Craig

Joycelin Dawes, of the Listed Informal Groups Review Group, reported on a review into Britain Yearly Meeting’s relationship with Listed Informal Groups. The review group made a…

11th December 2015

Meeting for Sufferings: TTIP concern

by Tara Craig

Meeting for Sufferings received a minute from West Somerset Area Meeting regarding the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). It was suggested that it be…

11th December 2015

Meeting for Sufferings: The Book of Discipline

by Tara Craig

Lesley Richards, clerk, gave a verbal report on the work of the Book of Discipline Revision Preparation Group.