Robert Wafula with John and Veronica Punshon. Photo: Lee Taylor.

Robert Wafula visited Britain Yearly Meeting for three weeks

Kenyan Friend crosses continents

Robert Wafula visited Britain Yearly Meeting for three weeks

by Tara Craig 15th July 2016

Robert Wafula, principal of Friends Theological College in Kaimosi, Kenya, has spent three weeks in Britain Yearly Meeting, spending time with Friends and visiting places significant to Quakers.

Lee Taylor, of the Quaker World Relations Committee, told the Friend that Robert visited the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham first, before travelling to Swarthmoor Hall and Jordans Meeting House. He spent time with Quaker theologians Rachel Muers and Janet Scott. Among the Friends Robert visited were John and Veronica Punshon of Milton Keynes. John was Robert’s tutor at Earlham College, in Richmond, Indiana.

Lee said of Robert’s visit: ‘For me, it was a great example of the World Relations Committee enabling intervisitation and living the world family motto of “connecting Friends, crossing cultures, changing lives”.’


Wonderfully positive!  I hope we’ll have much more inter-visitation, not just on the theological side but speaking of culture alongside and interwoven with theology.
East African Friends have so much to share. How lovely, John, to have your ex-student come by!

By on 16th July 2016 - 17:45

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