The Management Meeting of Britain Yearly Meeting will undergo changes in the coming six months

Meeting for Sufferings: Changes to senior management

The Management Meeting of Britain Yearly Meeting will undergo changes in the coming six months

by Elinor Smallman 8th July 2016

Ingrid Greenhow, clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees, told Meeting for Sufferings that changes to Management Meeting were approved at the BYM trustee meeting in June.

She explained to Sufferings that Management Meeting is composed of senior staff. The new structure will consist of: Paul Parker, recording clerk; Juliet Prager, deputy recording clerk; Helen Drewery, head of worship and witness; Paul Grey, head of operations; and Lisa Kiew, head of finances and resources.

It was emphasised that the structure of centrally managed work will not change. Departments such as Quaker Life and Quaker Peace & Social Witness will continue. However, the roles and titles of the senior management team will be based around themes of work rather than departments.

In a briefing paper prepared for representatives of Sufferings, trustees noted: ‘In order to respond effectively to Our faith in the future, BYM trustees – and Management Meeting itself – are clear that the organisation needs to work more as a single, joined-up body, with effective strategic management overseeing all of the operational work. Having interdepartmental responsibilities will allow Management Meeting to better prioritise concerns that sit across the organisation – church, charity and company.’

It is anticipated that the new roles will be in place by January 2017.


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