20th May 2016

Radio Four considers conscience

by Tara Craig

The BBC Radio Four Sunday morning service at 8.15am on 29 May will take as its theme conscience, to mark the centenary of conscription.

Photo contest winners revealed
20th May 2016

Photo contest winners revealed

by Tara Craig
20th May 2016

Hustings briefing available

by Tara Craig

Britain Yearly Meeting has produced a guide to the European Union membership referendum.

20th May 2016

Focus on living out our Quaker faith

by Tara Craig

More than 1,000 Friends are expected at Yearly Meeting 2016, which will take place at Friends House between 27 and 30 May. The main theme is: ‘Living out our faith in the world.…

20th May 2016

Magnolia moves at Friends House

by Tara Craig

The much-loved magnolia tree in the garden at Friends House is to be replaced. The tree graced the lawn outside the building for some years but had languished in a corner during…

13th May 2016

Friends witness at AGM of BAE Systems

by Tara Craig

Two Quakers were physically removed from the annual general meeting (AGM) of weapons manu-facturer BAE Systems last week.

13th May 2016

JRCT responds to report findings

by Tara Craig

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) has issued a response to the Charity Commission’s regulatory case report on the trust’s funding of the advocacy organisation Cage.

13th May 2016

Quakers and the elections

by Tara Craig

A number of Quakers stood in the recent elections. Those elected included Carla Denyer of Young Friends General Meeting and Alex Cole-Hamilton of Central Edinburgh Local Meeting.

13th May 2016

London Quakers welcome new mayor

by Tara Craig

London Friends were among those who welcomed the new mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, and his team to City Hall on their first day in office, Monday 9 May.

Protest at Campsfield
13th May 2016

Protest at Campsfield

by Tara Craig
13th May 2016

Leaveners look to 2020

by Tara Craig

The Birmingham-based Quaker arts group Leaveners held its annual general meeting on Saturday 7 May.

Central & Southern Africa Yearly Meeting
13th May 2016

Central & Southern Africa Yearly Meeting

by Tara Craig