Friends arrested at Burghfield
8th July 2016

Friends arrested at Burghfield

by The Friend
8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Changes to senior management

by Elinor Smallman

Ingrid Greenhow, clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees, told Meeting for Sufferings that changes to Management Meeting were approved at the BYM trustee meeting in June.

8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Refugees and asylum seekers

by Elinor Smallman

Minutes from Notts and Derby Area Meeting and Mid-Essex Area Meeting concerning the refugee crisis were sent to Meeting for Sufferings.

8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Arms sales to Saudi Arabia

by Elinor Smallman

Helen Drewery, general secretary of Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), updated Meeting for Sufferings on work being undertaken regarding UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Taxes for peace

by Elinor Smallman

Meeting for Sufferings was told of recent developments towards conscientious objection to military taxation.

8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: New names for rooms

by Trish Carn

Meeting for Sufferings was told that rooms at Friends House will be named after well-known Quakers. Each room will have a plaque outside the door saying who the person was. This is…

8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Yearly Meetings past and future

by Elinor Smallman

Representatives on Meeting for Sufferings were given the opportunity to reflect on Yearly Meeting (YM) 2016, held in May, and to begin the process of looking ahead to future YMs.

8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: In the wake of the EU referendum

by Elinor Smallman

A change to the agenda of Meeting for Sufferings was made to allow time for reflection on the recent EU referendum and forty minutes were given to ministry before the close of the…

8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: The role of Spirit highlighted in interfaith report

by Trish Carn

Mark Lilley, assistant clerk of the Quaker Committee for Christian and Interfaith Relations (QCCIR), began his report to Meeting for Sufferings: ‘What lies at the heart of this…

8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Travelling minute

by Trish Carn

Meeting for Sufferings approved a travelling minute for Paul Parker, Britain Yearly Meeting recording clerk, and Deborah Rowlands, clerk of the Yearly Meeting (YM).

8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Meeting for Sufferings on the move

by Trish Carn

The ‘Meeting for Sufferings Roadshows’ in 2014 and 2015 met Friends around Britain. In some places they were asked why Sufferings was ‘almost’ always held in London.

8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Appeals process to be reviewed

by Trish Carn

The Church Government Advisory Group met at Friends House on 11 April. They sent a minute to Meeting for Sufferings asking that a review of the appeal process against decisions by…