Friends in Coventry. Photo: David Fish.

Seventy Friends took part in a special Meeting for Worship in Coventry

Coventry Quakers celebrate community

Seventy Friends took part in a special Meeting for Worship in Coventry

by Tara Craig 18th November 2016

The importance of community among Friends was highlighted recently in Coventry Meeting when local Quakers made a special effort to bring all of its members together for worship.

The gathering was prompted by the thoughts of Ben Pink Dandelion, of the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, that ‘Quakers worship better together’.

Around seventy members and attenders took part in the special Meeting for Worship in Coventry. Only twenty were regular attenders at worship on Sundays.

Having decided that they wanted to try to bring everyone together, Friends spread the word, sending out personal invitations to thirteen people who had been unable to attend for some time.

Seven of those thirteen attended. David Fish, of Coventry Meeting, said: ‘Two of them, both of whom first attended Coventry Meeting over forty years ago, gave vocal ministry, telling us how much they valued their continued membership of the Meeting.’ 

The initiative resulted in a small increase in numbers at Meeting for Worship, but Friends will try again, David added. They are hoping, he said, to see forty Friends at Meeting for Worship soon, and consider it Coventry’s contribution to Britain Yearly Meeting’s Vibrancy in Meetings project.


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