The Quakers and Business (Q&B) Group has created an academic research group.
From 8 to 15 August, Friends House café will offer a reduced service in the Quaker Centre and from the coffee cart in the garden. This is connected to the refurbishment of the…
Quakers throughout Britain will be supporting a wide range of events on Hiroshima Day, 6 August.
The Daily Mail has apologised to the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) for referring to it as a ‘pro-terrorist charity’.
Friends between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one will consider Yearly Meeting business alongside Meeting for Sufferings on Saturday 3 December.
Panels from the Quaker Tapestry are once more on the road, with twenty of them destined for Chelmsford Cathedral next month. The twenty panels will include those on conscientious…
On 19 July a Ten Minute Rule Bill arguing for the extension of the conscientious objection law into the tax system was read in parliament. The second reading will be 2 December.
At its recent annual general meeting (AGM), the Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) discussed its current aims in relation to its ten-year-old constitution.
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