1st July 2016

Quaker comment on EU referendum

by The Friend Newsdesk

Britain Yearly Meeting has made a statement on the EU referendum. The statement expressed concern that the outcome of the EU referendum and the campaigning that led up to it had…

1st July 2016

QCEA reaction to referendum result

by The Friend Newsdesk

The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) has highlighted the importance of Quaker values in the wake of the result of the EU referendum.

1st July 2016

Step forward for peace education in Zimbabwe

by Tara Craig

The Quaker charity Friends of Hlekweni has joined with a number of other charities and faith groups in a peace education pilot project in Zimbabwe.

1st July 2016

Refugee Week 2016: Different pasts, shared future

by Tara Craig

Refugee Week 2016 took place across Britain between 20 and 26 June. This year it celebrated acts of welcome shown to refugees by individuals and communities across the United…

Being and doing
1st July 2016

Being and doing

by Tara Craig
1st July 2016

Leap looks back at 2015

by Tara Craig

Leap Confronting Conflict, the national youth charity founded and supported by Friends, has published its 2015 impact report.

1st July 2016

Launch of peace festival at Sidcot

by Tara Craig

The first ever Festival of Peace held by Sidcot School, the Quaker school in Somerset, attracted more than 300 visitors.

Learning through peace
1st July 2016

Learning through peace

by Tara Craig
1st July 2016

Friends attend WCC event in Norway

by The Friend Newsdesk

Five Quakers were present in different capacities at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Central Committee meeting in Trondheim, Norway from 22-28 June. The Friends were able to…

Friends witness at Eurosatory
24th June 2016

Friends witness at Eurosatory

by Tara Craig
Open afternoon in burial ground
24th June 2016

Open afternoon in burial ground

by Tara Craig
24th June 2016

Pickering Friends take stand on fracking

by Tara Craig

Friends from Pickering, North Yorkshire, have written to a regional newspaper to voice their dismay at a recent decision regarding fracking.