22nd July 2016

Early Quakers online

by Tara Craig

The Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham has joined with Lancaster University and online learning provider FutureLearn to offer a free online course on early Quakers.

22nd July 2016

Award for US Quaker publication

by Tara Craig

Friends Journal has been given an ‘Award of Excellence’ in the ‘Best in Class’ category for denominational/special interest magazines by the Associated Church Press.

Kenyan Friend crosses continents
15th July 2016

Kenyan Friend crosses continents

by Tara Craig
Friends at opening of Scottish parliament
15th July 2016

Friends at opening of Scottish parliament

by Tara Craig
Science Museum event prompts protests
15th July 2016

Science Museum event prompts protests

by Tara Craig
Liverpool Friends promote sanctuary
15th July 2016

Liverpool Friends promote sanctuary

by Tara Craig
15th July 2016

Quaker sampler returns to Ireland

by Tara Craig

A sampler stitched by an Irish Quaker more than two centuries ago has found its way ‘home’ from Australia.

Civic roles for York Friends
15th July 2016

Civic roles for York Friends

by Tara Craig
15th July 2016

Friends school gathering

by Tara Craig

Seventeen students from five Quaker schools attended the annual Friends Schools Gathering at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham.

Friends arrested at Burghfield
8th July 2016

Friends arrested at Burghfield

by The Friend
8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Changes to senior management

by Elinor Smallman

Ingrid Greenhow, clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees, told Meeting for Sufferings that changes to Management Meeting were approved at the BYM trustee meeting in June.

8th July 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Refugees and asylum seekers

by Elinor Smallman

Minutes from Notts and Derby Area Meeting and Mid-Essex Area Meeting concerning the refugee crisis were sent to Meeting for Sufferings.