18th August 2017

Tesco decision on single-use bags welcomed

by Harry Albright

Friends of the Earth (FoE) has responded positively to the announcement by leading British supermarket Tesco that it will no longer provide single-use plastic bags – but wants…

11th August 2017

Yearly Meeting Gathering news

by The Friend

Bear witness with white poppies Friends wishing to show their opposition to the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair in London this September can to do so…

28th July 2017

YMG 2017: a new ‘look and feel’

by Harry Albright

Yearly Meeting Gathering (YMG) begins this weekend at the University of Warwick in Coventry, the fourth YMG in the past nine years. This year there will be noticeable changes from…

Storytelling in stitches
28th July 2017

Storytelling in stitches

by Harry Albright
28th July 2017

Northamptonshire Friends’ refuge initiative

by Harry Albright

Friends in Northamptonshire are involved with a local charity in setting up a new male refuge in the north of the county.

28th July 2017

Health inequality in Britain

by Harry Albright

Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, authors of the The Spirit Level, highlighted the stark reality of health inequality in Britain at a seminar held in Portcullis House,…

28th July 2017

Four arrests at nuclear base

by Harry Albright

Four Trident Ploughshares campaigners were arrested on 13 July as they blocked roads leading to the nuclear warhead store at Coulport on Loch Long, Scotland.

28th July 2017

Transgender decision

by Harry Albright

The General Synod of the Church of England has passed a motion on welcoming transgender people.

Quaker activist sent for trial
21st July 2017

Quaker activist sent for trial

by Harry Albright
New booklet on historic Friends’ Meeting houses
21st July 2017

New booklet on historic Friends’ Meeting houses

by Harry Albright
21st July 2017

Irish Friends send letter of support to Friends in Britain

by Harry Albright

Ireland’s Yearly Meeting Committee has sent a letter to Friends in Britain expressing ‘sympathy and support following the tragic occurrences in recent weeks in your country.’

21st July 2017

Derby Meeting peace vigil

by Harry Albright

Friends in Derby are holding a peace vigil during July at the industrial museum in the town.