5th May 2017

Prisons reform legislation a casualty of general ection call

by Harry Albright

The decision to call a general election has stopped work on the Prisons and Courts Bill. This ‘resets the clock on much needed prison reform plans and creates uncertainty about…

5th May 2017

Countdown to polling day

by Harry Albright

Quakers across Britain are engaging with the general election, called for Thursday 8 June. The campaign is an opportunity to highlight Quaker concerns, particularly on important…

5th May 2017

Children and families day at Friends House

by Harry Albright

Families and children with an accompanying adult will be welcomed to a day visit at Friends House on Friday June 2.

5th May 2017

Early history of the Quakers

by Harry Albright

Lancaster University and the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre have teamed up again to offer a free online course exploring the beginnings of Quakerism as it emerged in seventeenth…

Quakers urge fracking ban
28th April 2017

Quakers urge fracking ban

by Harry Albright
28th April 2017

Global Campaign on Military Spending

by Harry Albright

From 20 to 23 April, Friends joined four days of action on military spending organised by the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS).

28th April 2017

Cuts to legal aid for prisoners are illegal

by Harry Albright

Cuts to legal aid for prisoners are unlawful because they are inherently unfair, the Court of Appeal ruled earlier this month in its judgement on a legal challenge brought by the…

28th April 2017

Call to action

by Harry Albright

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) is calling on Friends to join thousands of people around the world to take action during the Global Divestment Mobilisation from 5-13 May.

21st April 2017

A People of Peace

by The Friend Newsdesk

A moving production on the tragedy of war was given its first performance at Bury St Edmunds Meeting House on 8 April.

Students sing out for homeless charity
21st April 2017

Students sing out for homeless charity

by The Friend Newsdesk
21st April 2017

Oxford initiative on Europe

by The Friend Newsdesk

Some OXFORD Friends with European connections who campaigned for the UK to stay in the EU have launched an initiative to prompt an informed discussion on Brexit.

Quaker writers sign up for Hay
14th April 2017

Quaker writers sign up for Hay

by The Friend Newsdesk