A new report calling for peace education in Europe has been launched by QCEA

QCEA launches peace education report

A new report calling for peace education in Europe has been launched by QCEA

by Rebecca Hardy 15th February 2019

The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) has launched a new report on peace education arguing for the EU to adopt a ‘multi-layered’ approach. It calls for a ‘cohesive, coordinated strategy for peace education as a peacebuilding and conflict prevention tool’ to be built into policies and programmes.

The Peace Education team at Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) welcomed the report, tweeting that it ‘feels super timely and builds on great research from Building Peace Together’.

The report includes a case study of the benefits of multilayered peace education in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It examines how the EU is already using education policy to help build sustainable peace and what more could be done to support civil society efforts.


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