23rd November 2018

QPSW campaigner takes to the airwaves

by Rebecca Hardy

Ellis Brooks, from Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), has spoken on the radio this month about the new documentary War School, which previewed at Friends House in London.

23rd November 2018

Inter Faith Week 2018

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers enjoyed a lively Inter Faith Week from 11 to 18 November with a wide range of events and activities. From a death café, organised by Leicester Friends on 18 November, to a…

23rd November 2018

Nobel Prizewinner speaks to Paris Peace Forum

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) took part in the Paris Peace Forum this month.

23rd November 2018

Activist Gathering

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends met for the Quaker Activist Gathering at Lancaster Meeting House on 3 November. The action-focused day was for ‘Quakers who identify as activists, framed in worship’.

23rd November 2018

Peace Lecture

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker MEP Molly Scott Cato delivered the annual Peace Lecture for Huddersfield Meeting, ‘Democracies don’t go to war’, on 1 November.

16th November 2018

Passengers at risk of injury or worse ‘Stansted Fifteen’ activist tells court

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker activist on trial for blocking the take-off of an immigration removal charter flight gave evidence in court recently that she was acting out of conscience to protect the…

16th November 2018

White poppy sales break all records

by Rebecca Hardy

Sales of white poppies in 2018 are the highest they have ever been since their launch in 1933 – despite a barrage of criticism in the media.

16th November 2018

Mental health and young people

by Rebecca Hardy

Seventy friends gathered at the ‘Mental Health and Young People’ day in Birmingham, organised by the Quaker Mental Health Forum. The day at the Priory Rooms on 3 November…

16th November 2018

Conscientious objectors on DVD

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Service Memorial Trust (QSMT) has released a DVD containing interviews with world war two members of the Friends Ambulance Unit (FAU) and Friends Relief Service (FRS).…

9th November 2018

Support for climate ‘civil disobedience’

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are upholding Friends’ decisions to take part in a campaign of civil disobedience as part of their witness against climate change. Several Friends took part in the…

Swarthmore lecturer 2019 announced
9th November 2018

Swarthmore lecturer 2019 announced

by Rebecca Hardy