A new study asserts that nuclear power is 'not clean' and 'never profitable'

Nuclear ‘not clean’

A new study asserts that nuclear power is 'not clean' and 'never profitable'

by Rebecca Hardy 16th August 2019

Quakers have been sharing a new study by a leading German think tank which slams the notion that nuclear power is ‘clean energy’ and claims that it is ‘never profitable’. The research published by the German Institute for Economic Research, known as DIW Berlin, argues that this energy has never been financially viable as most plants have been built while heavily government-subsidised and were often motivated by military purposes.

According to the study: ‘The findings show that nuclear energy can by no means be called “clean” due to radioactive emissions, which will endanger humans and the natural environment for over one million years. And it harbours the high risk of proliferation. An empirical survey of the 674 nuclear power plants that have ever been built showed that private economic motives never played a role. Instead military interests have always been the driving force behind their construction. Even ignoring the expense of dismantling nuclear power plants and the long-term storage of nuclear waste, private economy-only investment in nuclear power plant[s] would result in high losses – an average of five billion euros per nuclear power plant, as one financial simulation revealed.’


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