Canon Noel Beattie, founder of the Lifting the Stone Coalition/Anti-Slavery Network in the Marches, has thanked Southern Marches Area Meeting for what he describes as their…
The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) has launched a new report on peace education arguing for the EU to adopt a ‘multi-layered’ approach. It calls for a ‘cohesive,…
A forty-one-year-old Friend has started a Quaker group in Florence, Italy after ‘craving’ the silence of a Meeting.
Thirty-three Friends gathered at Sheffield Meeting House last month for the annual two-day Quaker Centre Gathering.
Britain Yearly Meeting is urging action against proposed bills around immigration and climate change. Suki Ferguson, Quaker Peace & Social Witness communications coordinator,…
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has committed itself to creating a record of Quakers who died in the first world war, after rousing ministry at Meeting for Sufferings on 2 February.…
Two new Meeting for Sufferings groups had their Terms of Reference approved by representatives at Sufferings.
Quaker Social Action (QSA) has launched a new training workshop aimed at easing the ‘confusing’ application process for people seeking financial help for funeral costs. The…
Over forty people gathered at Friends House recently for a two-hour meeting to consider: ‘Why be a Quaker universalist?’ Tony Philpott, clerk of the Quaker Universalist Group…
Central England Quakers took part in a multifaith day of prayer last month in a bid to share prayers from different spiritual traditions.
Two teenagers have been appointed to the Book of Discipline Revision Committee, it was announced at Meeting for Sufferings on 2 February.
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