Participants at Pray24Brum. Photo: Courtesy of Claire Bowman.
Central England Quakers ‘Pray24Brum’
Friends at Bull Street Meeting House hosted the sixth Pray24Brum event
Bull Street Meeting House hosted this year’s ‘Pray24Brum’ event in which seekers from different Christian traditions come together to pray.
Central England Quaker Claire Bowman told the Friend that the idea for the event on 24 and 25 January, now in its sixth year, is to offer twenty-four hours of prayer over two days for Birmingham and for the world. She said: ‘Churches, charities, schools, chaplains and other Christian groups take an hour each and worship in their own way and the public are welcome to attend.
‘It was a joy to see how all the groups had thought seriously about our theme of “Seeking that of God in everyone” and appreciated the venue. Many brought silence and peace into their offerings. St Philip’s Cathedral held a service of healing; the children of St Chad’s Primary had been practicing silent worship, and sang chants and sacred songs so beautifully for an hour.’
Birmingham Churches Together praised the Quakers for being ‘such wonderful, welcoming hosts’ on Twitter. Meanwhile, Central England Friends thanked all the attenders, saying it ‘was wonderful to welcome people from so many different traditions’.
According to Claire Bowman, many people, including some Quakers, were coming to Bull Street Meeting House for the first time.