Most of the morning was taken up with reports from central committees. First, Emma Roberts, clerk of QLCC, spoke to the committee’s report, which offered highlights from the year.
The QPSW Central Committee report offered a snapshot of QPSW work. This included coverage of the Sanctuary Everywhere programme in support of refugees and migrants, with…
Ann Floyd, of QWRC, talked about how Britain Yearly Meeting was just one small part of a world family. Quakers around the world shared many concerns – sustainability, privilege,…
QCCIR had been involved with the biggest recent news story in the Society. Hannah Brock Womack, of Sheffield & Balby Area Meeting, had been selected as a presidential nominee…
A team of five London Quakers are to swap their duvets for sleeping bags this weekend to sleep on the streets in order to raise awareness of global homelessness. With a target of…
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has drawn up a list of key issues that it believes politicians should focus on for their general election pledges. The key demands, drawn up by the…
The Quaker Meetings Network (QMN) initiative set up to provide help in creating websites has announced that the first swathe of Meeting sites will go live this month.
Leicester Meeting held a ‘Death Cafe’ as part of Inter Faith Week last month. Anne Fishenden, from Leicester Meeting, told the Friend that the café, now in its third year, was…
Friends were among a crowd of protesters who gathered outside the Conservative Party headquarters last month demanding that the party should have a climate debate to push the…
Friends have paid tribute to Mairi Campbell-Jack, the former parliamentary engagement officer for Quakers in Scotland, who has moved to the Scottish Green Party at Holyrood.
Twelve people came to a Quaker-style Meeting held at Harris Manchester College last week. Described as an ‘invitation to stillness’, the Oxford college held the event on 6…
Quaker Social Action (QSA) launched a new funeral poverty report at Friends House in London this week, looking back on the work of QSA and setting out future plans. The event,…
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