Call for a ‘just and green recovery’ from Covid-19

Scotland Friends ‘disappointed’ on economic recovery plans

Call for a ‘just and green recovery’ from Covid-19

by Rebecca Hardy 17th July 2020

Quakers in Scotland have said they were ‘disappointed’ in a response from the first minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon to a letter they co-sent about economic recovery following the pandemic.

Clerk Elizabeth Allen signed a letter from ‘a broad range of Scotland’s civil society’ on behalf of General Meeting for Scotland to Nicola Sturgeon calling for a ‘just and green recovery’ from Covid-19 and detailing steps which they believe need to be followed. The letter was led by Scotland Friends of the Earth.

According to the Central Edinburgh Meeting Terrace Talk newsletter: ‘A reply has been received from the first minister herself but there is disappointment that it reflects too narrow a response, focusing on climate change alone. The PEWG [Parliamentary Engagement Working Group] has approached the political parties about what Quakers might like to see in the party manifestos for the Holyrood elections next year.’ 

The letter was part of PEWG’s contribution to the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland response to the government’s Advisory Group on Economic Recovery from the pandemic.

Members of PEWG have also submitted a response to the Scottish government’s Just Transition Commission Interim Report consultation. The consultation was set up to provide Scottish ministers with recommendations for action to move to a net-zero economy by 2045.

The appointment of a new parliamentary engagement officer is still on hold, due to the pandemic.


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