Huddersfield Quakers have resumed a monthly Earth vigil in their witness to the climate and ecological crisis.
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has contributed to a new book examining race relations within British churches over the past quarter of a century.
Airton Friends have completed major conservation and repairs to their grade II*-listed Meeting house. According to Airton Quakers, ‘the Meeting house now more closely resembles…
Quakers have expressed disappointment that some Pride events are still sponsored by arms companies. BAE Systems, a leading arms dealer, was a sponsor of several Pride events,…
Quakers are drawing church attention to work by an Oxford museum and a Naga research team to return human remains to the mountainous border area between Myanmar and India, the Naga…
A Quaker co-founded group has released a report examining what it calls the ‘militarised nature’ of British policing. ‘A Very British Problem: The evolution of Britain’s…
Saffron Walden Quakers opened their peace garden to the public, after months of planning and creating.
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has been awarded £200,000 by Benefact Trust to support Quaker communities to thrive.
Leeds Quakers are welcoming a group of Norwegian cyclists who are embarking on a thirty-mile tour for peace. Six to twelve activists from the ‘Bike for Peace’ organisation will…
A grassroots organisation that works with the Quaker Turning the Tide (TTT) programme in Kenya recruited seventy-one accredited election observers to help ensure peace in the…
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