Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has written to the new prime minister Liz Truss urging her to focus on three priorities: climate justice and cost of living; peace; and truth and…
Anti-fracking campaigners in Lancashire have said they will bring back protests if the government pushes ahead with plans to reintroduce fracking.
Quakers up and down the country are getting ready to hold vigils for the international Loss and Action Day – standing in solidarity with those living with the worst impacts of…
Friends have been encouraged to join international Friends for worship to celebrate this autumn’s World Quaker Day. The Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) invited…
A Cotteridge Quaker has asked his Local Meeting to support a project to create ‘energy champions’ in a bid to tackle the energy and climate crisis.
Luton & Leighton Area Meeting’s annual Quaker Camp celebrated its seventieth anniversary this year on a field in Malvern.
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) joined calls urging the UK government to take immediate action to protect Palestinian human rights defenders.
Quakers had a presence at the ‘arts, faith & justice’ Greenbelt Festival last month as Anaïs Mitchell took to the stage on the opening evening. A Meeting for Worship also…
Edinburgh Quakers have said they have received ‘a steady stream’ of visitors during the Fringe Festival period, despite being unable to host many performances because of new…
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Written by and for Friends on the bench