‘There is always going to be a mismatch between the scale of the world’s needs and the scale of our ability to respond.’

Meeting for Sufferings: QPSW

‘There is always going to be a mismatch between the scale of the world’s needs and the scale of our ability to respond.’

by Rebecca Hardy 17th March 2023

Mike Coote, co-clerk of QPSWCC, described its work supporting Quaker action at COP26 and ongoing efforts for the Make Polluters Pay campaign, as well as the Insure Our Future campaign, which is asking the insurance industry to immediately stop insuring new and expanding coal, oil and gas projects. Staff plan to engage with Friends on this, he said, so expect to hear more in the future.

After showing a video on Quaker work for COP26, Mike outlined some of the work QPSW had engaged in: from connecting climate activists, to organising events and mass mobilisations in Glasgow and London, while working closely with Friends in West Scotland.

‘There was progress at COP26,’ he said, despite it ‘lacking ambition’. Particular highlights were building an interfaith coalition, while the loss and damage issue moved significantly up the agenda, with a deal being agreed at COP27. Staff continue to work on this, he said, as the money is not yet sourced or secured.

One Friend from the south east asked how much QPSW was involved with Extinction Rebellion (XR). Mike later replied that staff are looking closely to see how the planned mass gathering (called ‘The Big One’) in April is developing. ‘We haven’t signed up to support it yet, but we are supporting Friends who are going.’ Ailish Carroll-Brentnall, from BYM, is compiling a list of names, and Quakers attending are ‘actively encouraged’ to contact her.

‘Is there any work with issues around modern day slavery?’ another Friend asked, citing figures that an estimated 27 million people worldwide are in forced labour. With another Friend asking if the group could look at river pollution, Robert Card, clerk of Meeting for Sufferings (MfS), reminded Friends that MfS had agreed a particular focus for QPSW: ‘just because a particular concern is not mentioned, it does not mean that QPSW is failing on the job!’

‘There is always going to be a mismatch between the scale of the world’s needs and the scale of our ability to respond,’ Oliver Robertson, head of witness and worship for BYM, said, reminding Friends of the Faith in Action work to support Quakers on campaigns they are doing themselves. ‘Friends have often done amazing work not necessarily through centrally-managed work,’ he said.


It is so good to learn that Quakers in Britain have announced they will support Extinction Rebellion UK’s “The Big One”, Unite to Survive. 

This historic event will provide a great opportunity for Quakers in Britain to come together in unity and solidarity, and deepen and strengthen their commitment to climate justice, social justice, and a just, green transition to a post fossil fuel era, equity, respect for human rights, good community, citizens assemblies, inclusive public discourse, environmental protection, simpler, sustainable living, all the values we hold dear.

By Rajan on 22nd March 2023 - 23:36

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