Cockermouth Friends witness for peace for Ukraine
‘Quakers have stood for Peace since our beginning in the seventeenth century after the bloody Civil Wars.’
Quakers in Cockermouth held a vigil to mark the one-year anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine.
The witness follows twelve months of weekly vigils on Friday mornings to witness for peace.
‘Quakers have stood for Peace since our beginning in the seventeenth century after the bloody Civil Wars,’ said David Day, a Cockermouth Quaker.
‘On Fridays we stand in silent prayer – we do not stand in judgement or preaching on any soapbox. We stand in Peace and we invite others of all faiths or none to stand with us – if only for a minute.’
‘What we are doing is essentially holding a Meeting for Worship, which we describe as “silent prayer”,’ he added, ‘and seeking spiritual help to understand the situation and uphold those who are engaging more actively.’
The thirty-minute meetings are held at 11am outside the United Reformed Church in Cockermouth.