Korean peace school building celebrated
7th July 2023

Korean peace school building celebrated

by Rebecca Hardy
7th July 2023

Quaker stands for MP in July by-election

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker in Yorkshire is standing for election to be an MP, using artificial intelligence (AI) as a way of engaging with the constituency.

7th July 2023

New peace network for Wales

by Rebecca Hardy

Two organisations with Quaker roots are behind a new campaigning network in Wales. It has been set up to map the rise of militarism in the country, and bring people together to…

7th July 2023

BYM urges MPs to reject anti-boycott bill

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has asked MPs to reject the government’s controversial anti-boycott bill.

7th July 2023

New site for Quaker-inspired eco village

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker-inspired co-housing community has bought a new site in Cornwall. Jackie Carpenter, from Bude Meeting, set up the Four Seas Climate Change Cohousing Community (CCCC) as a…

Yearly Meeting 2023: Final session
7th July 2023

Yearly Meeting 2023: Final session

by Rebecca Hardy
30th June 2023

Friends stand for peace on Armed Forces Day

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers witnessed for peace last weekend as the annual Armed Forces Day (AFD) took place. Marketed as ‘family-friendly fun’, the day is really ‘a desperate recruitment drive…

30th June 2023

Quaker-inspired artist on Turner Prize shortlist

by Rebecca Hardy

Rory Pilgrim, an artist with Quaker links, has been nominated for the Turner Prize 2023.

30th June 2023

New plaque for George Fox

by Rebecca Hardy

A new plaque for George Fox was unveiled last week in Fenny Drayton, the Quaker founder’s birthplace.

30th June 2023

Quakers mark Pride Month

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends across the UK celebrated Pride Month this year by joining marches and holding talks. Helen Carter-Shaw, from Canterbury Meeting, told the Friend that people from the LGBTQ+…

23rd June 2023

New Yearly Meeting formed in Europe

by Rebecca Hardy

The Central European Gathering (CEG) made history last month when it became a Yearly Meeting (YM). The decision was made at the twenty-sixth CEG in May in Gdansk, Poland.