Taunton vigil for peace
‘Although this was exactly one month since the attack by Hamas on Israel, we saw this as a witness to our Quaker testimony for peace, and, apart from our “Quakers for Peace” banner, did not allow any banners relating to specific conflicts.'
Taunton Friends held a vigil for peace on the town’s high street last month, allowing only ‘Quakers for Peace’ banners.
Somerset Friend John Ainsworth told the Friend: ‘Although this was exactly one month since the attack by Hamas on Israel, we saw this as a witness to our Quaker testimony for peace, and, apart from our “Quakers for Peace” banner, did not allow any banners relating to specific conflicts. Articles were printed in the local press and around fifty people attended. These included Friends from other Meetings in West Somerset and beyond, and a number of people of Middle Eastern origin.’
The Friends also brought white poppies to the vigil on 7 November, which a number of non-Quakers purchased – ‘there are few, if any other, outlets in Taunton,’ said John.
He added: ‘Despite the busyness of central Taunton we experienced a sense of peace coupled with sadness at the violence.’