Norton Friends in rewilding project
21st April 2023

Norton Friends in rewilding project

by Rebecca Hardy
21st April 2023

Friends mark Stephen Lawrence anniversary

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have been speaking out on the thirtieth anniversary of Stephen Lawrence’s murder this month. The killing of the eighteen-year-old in Eltham, southeast London, on 22 April…

21st April 2023

New exhibition on Quaker simplicity

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends have been sharing their thoughts on Quaker simplicity for a new exhibition at the Quaker Tapestry Museum. The display will feature videos recorded by Friends alongside…

21st April 2023

Quakers mark Earth Day

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends are getting ready to celebrate Earth Day with this year’s theme of ‘invest in our planet’. As numerous Quakers flock to Westminster to join Extinction Rebellion’s…

21st April 2023

Kindlers put spotlight on Quaker worship

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker group The Kindlers is seeking to hear from Friends for a new booklet on Quaker worship. James McCarthy, who is writing the booklet, told the Friend: ‘Apart from asking…

Sally Beamish releases new Quaker-commissioned work
14th April 2023

Sally Beamish releases new Quaker-commissioned work

by Rebecca Hardy
14th April 2023

Quakers gear up for ‘The Big One’

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers up and down the country are planning to take part in Extinction Rebellion (XR)’s planned days of witness for climate action this month. Titled ‘The Big One’, and…

14th April 2023

BYM ‘disappointed’ by UK net zero strategy

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has expressed ‘profound disappointment and concern’ that the revised net zero strategy announced on 30 March provides ‘so little of what is…

14th April 2023

Quakers launch ‘listening space’

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends from Central England joined the first Quaker Listening Space last month, hosted by the Quaker group Restoring Relations.

14th April 2023

Quaker lockdown group meets for the first time

by Rebecca Hardy

Twenty-nine people from a Quaker group formed in lockdown came to meet together in person for the very first time at the Quaker Glenthorne Guest House and Conference Centre last…

7th April 2023

QUNO speaks at IPCC climate talks

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers were an integral part of a global scientists’ report last month, which delivered a ‘final warning’ on the climate crisis.

7th April 2023

Speaking out on Ofsted

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker peace education team has spoken out about the work of Ofsted following outcries over a Berkshire headteacher who took her own life after her school’s stressful…