24th March 2023

Quaker researches food and climate conversations

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker and Eva Koch Scholar Naomi Richards has researched how ‘meetings for nourishment’.can facilitate conversations on the climate crisis.

Quakers offer ‘Loyal Address’ to the king
17th March 2023

Quakers offer ‘Loyal Address’ to the king

by Rebecca Hardy
17th March 2023

The Retreat outlines Quaker heritage plans

by Rebecca Hardy

The Retreat has outlined its heritage plans for the Heslington Road site as the final stages of the planning approvals process approaches. The site was put up for sale in late 2022…

17th March 2023

Quaker pamphlet to counter militarisation

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has produced a pamphlet after its research found widespread targeting of schoolchildren by the armed forces and arms companies. This has been sent to…

17th March 2023

Meeting for Sufferings: Central committees speak on Yearly Meeting concerns

by Rebecca Hardy

In the first afternoon session on 4 March, Friends heard reports on how central committees have been responding to Yearly Meeting (YM) concerns. In 2021, Quaker Peace & Social…

17th March 2023

Meeting for Sufferings: QPSW

by Rebecca Hardy

Mike Coote, co-clerk of QPSWCC, described its work supporting Quaker action at COP26 and ongoing efforts for the Make Polluters Pay campaign, as well as the Insure Our Future…

17th March 2023

Meeting for Sufferings: QLCC

by Rebecca Hardy

Klaus Huber, clerk of QLCC, then updated Friends on the group’s work encouraging reflection on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), which is sometimes run in collaboration with…

17th March 2023

Meeting for Sufferings: Changes to the Book of Discipline

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends then heard recommendations from Church Government Advisory Group (CGAG) on changes to Quaker faith & practice.

17th March 2023

Meeting for Sufferings: Friends hear from Quaker chaplains

by Rebecca Hardy

The day ended with Friends hearing from three Quaker chaplains. Robin Fishwick, a Quaker chaplain at the University of Leeds, said he is often asked how many Friends are at the…

Woodbrooke building closes after 120 years
10th March 2023

Woodbrooke building closes after 120 years

by Rebecca Hardy
10th March 2023

Quakers criticise Prevent review

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has criticised the findings of the long-awaited review of Prevent, the government’s counter-terrorism programme. The report calls for its focus to…

10th March 2023

Call for churches to reflect diversity of UK

by Rebecca Hardy

Churches are often seen as ‘white, middle-class spaces’, a new report has shown, underlining that to reach more people, they need to reflect ‘the diversity of the UK’. This…