Friends celebrated the news last week that, after twenty-seven years, and a decade-long campaign, the BP sponsorship deal with the British Museum ended. Campaigners including…
Friends are being asked to take photos of the front of funeral directors’ premises, if clear funeral costs are not displayed.
Quakers have helped raise funds to build a village health centre in Butta, in eastern Uganda.
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has said that it will continue to work with others to protect and promote human rights, despite the ‘severe blow’ of the Public Order Bill, which…
A Quaker group preparing witness against a major arms fair this autumn is planning peace pilgrimages in the run-up to the event.
Quakers held an event earlier this week to find ways of countering the rise of misogynistic social media influencers such as Andrew Tate. Tate is linked to a rising number reports…
US Quakers are asking British Friends to join a new campaign against the large asset manager, Vanguard, urging it to end fossil fuel investment in companies that refuse to…
Seven Quaker women are showcasing their work at Oxford Meeting House this month, as part of Oxfordshire’s annual ‘Artsweek’ festival.
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has marked the seventy-fifth anniversary of what is known among Palestinians as ‘the Nakba’ (the ‘catastrophe’) by signing a joint statement…
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