A monthly Quaker peace vigil in London’s Trafalgar Square will take place for the last time at noon on Saturday. The vigil has been held in the Square every month since 1 May…
Poverty will be overcome only if people at the ‘sharp end’ are at the centre of policy-making. That’s the view of the Poverty Truth Commission, who insist that ‘charity…
The world’s most famous nearly-married couple received a thought-provoking and unusual gift on Monday, when supporters of same-sex marriage attempted to recruit them to their…
Quakers in London remain concerned about the plight of homeless people in the city following confusion over a potential council decision. A housing charity has predicted that…
A York Quaker has turned the tables on her local council to defend disabled people. City of York Council was obliged to debate the impact of its cuts programme last week after Ceri…
British Quakers have recommended a boycott of goods produced by Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The decision was made after lengthy discussion and…
Two conscientious objectors have appeared before military courts in the last week.
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