Quaker week celebrations
14th October 2010

Quaker week celebrations

by Raymond Mgadzah
14th October 2010

Early Day Motion tabled to increase armed forces recruitment age

by Symon Hill

Ministers are under pressure from backbench MPs to end the recruitment of sixteen-year-olds into the armed forces. Politicians from several parties are signing a motion on the…

15th September 2010

Campaigners gather to share ideas on religion and peace

by Symon Hill

Tony Benn has insisted that religion can be a source of peace in the world as well as a source of division. Criticising those who use religion to stir up hatred, the veteran…

15th September 2010

Arms company announces job losses

by Symon Hill

The arms company BAE Systems has announced 1,000 job losses at five sites across England – only weeks after justifying a major arms deal by saying that it would protect British…

15th September 2010

Quaker staff earn living wage

by Symon Hill

British Quakers are doing well when it comes to paying employees a living wage – but they are still behind others who have made a more active commitment. This is the assessment…

Guided by conscience
4th August 2010

Guided by conscience

by Jez Smith
4th August 2010

Wigton Meeting House: shedding light

by Ian Kirk-Smith

Every Meeting house is a place of many precious memories. It is also a landmark and a symbol. So the decision to lay down a Meeting, and sell a Meeting house, is not one taken…

4th August 2010

Scottish parlimentarians urged to ‘lift the ban on same-sex marriage’

by Symon Hill

Politicians and faith groups in Scotland are urging the Scottish Parliament to take the lead on equality by ‘lifting the ban on same-sex marriage’. Quakers are among the…

21st July 2010

Are theology and religious studies important?

by Symon Hill

Theology and religious studies departments at British universities could be facing the axe following the government’s decision to slash higher education spending. Bangor…

21st July 2010

The dilemmas of being a Quaker prison chaplain

by A Quaker prison chaplain

I have been a Quaker prison chaplain for over seven years. It is immensely rewarding to experience the deeply gathered silences in Meetings for Worship in prisons. Increasingly I…

21st July 2010

Joseph Rowntree Foundation presents…

by The Friend newsdesk

David Cameron has proclaimed his vision for the ‘Big Society’ at a time when deep cuts in many areas of public spending are on the horizon. They are cuts that will have severe…