18th February 2010

Government defeat in the Lords weakens Equality Bill

by Symon Hill

A defeat for the government in the house of Lords has put the future of the Equality Bill in jeopardy. In the last year of a government, Bills can be delayed in the house of Lords,…

18th February 2010

‘Robin Hood’ tax plan floated

by Symon Hill

As controversy rages over the alleged role of bankers’ greed in causing an economic downturn, a large range of campaigning and faith-based groups are calling for a ‘Robin Hood…

18th February 2010

Campaign lawyers challenge Serious Fraud Office over BAE

by Symon Hill

The controversial plea bargain settlement with the arms company BAE Systems is the target of a fresh challenge from two campaign groups, the Corner House and Campaign Against Arms…

18th February 2010

Religious groups publish election resources for voters

by Symon Hill

Quakers have played a central role in the production of online resources to empower voters ahead of this year’s general election.  The resources, produced in conjunction…

BAE Systems:  let off the hook?
11th February 2010

BAE Systems:  let off the hook?

by Symon Hill
11th February 2010

Government arms strategy queried by Quakers

by Symon Hill

Quakers have accused government ministers of ignoring the most important questions in their recent review of ‘defence’ priorities. The government have announced plans for…

11th February 2010

Radicalism of Diggers and Levellers not dead in Scotland

by Symon Hill

Theology has played an important part in securing social justice in Scotland, according to new research by the Quaker writer Alastair McIntosh.  Alastair, along with fellow…

11th February 2010

Chavakali Yearly Meeting denies gay member’s treatment claims

by Symon Hill

Kenyan Friends’ approach to sexuality has come under the international spotlight, following the case of Noah Kellum, a gay Kenyan Quaker and former pastor. Noah says that he was…

4th February 2010

NGO visas restricted by Israeli government

by Symon Hill

Aid agencies and peace groups have expressed concern about the future of international work in Palestine and Israel, following an Israeli government decision to restrict visas for…

4th February 2010

Called to account?

by Symon Hill

I have never seen Tony Blair looking so nervous. He appeared flustered and scared as I sat in the media room at the Iraq Inquiry, watching his interrogation on screens placed on…

4th February 2010

Campaigning to control ‘super’market powers

by Symon Hill

Friends are among the campaigners pressing politicians for action to rein in the power of supermarkets, with the aim of preventing global wage reductions and the destruction of…

Army approach to London schools recruitment queried
28th January 2010

Army approach to London schools recruitment queried

by Symon Hill