Stop league tables for five-year-olds
26th January 2011

Stop league tables for five-year-olds

by Symon Hill
20th January 2011

Arms exports now all right for Stephen Green

by Symon Hill

The government’s new trade minister has confirmed that he is happy to promote arms exports – only hours after a national newspaper claimed that they were troubling his conscience.

Quaker rescues recorded
20th January 2011

Quaker rescues recorded

by Ian Kirk-Smith
350th anniversary celebrated
20th January 2011

350th anniversary celebrated

by Symon Hill
13th January 2011

Armed Forces Bill and human rights

by Symon HIll

Defence Secretary Liam Fox was urged to uphold the human rights of forces personnel as he presented his Armed Forces Bill to the Commons this week.

13th January 2011

Children robbed of their childhood

by Symon Hill

Retailers are robbing young people of their childhood by making them feel valued for what they own and not for what they are. That’s the claim of the Mothers’ Union (MU), whose…

6th January 2011

Yes, Friends, Wikileaks explodes the ‘free’ and ‘civilised’ world we know

by Sarah Freeman

I was thrown into a torrent of thought by a letter in the Friend (17 November) asking why there had been no voice from Friends in response to disturbing, and often horrific,…

6th January 2011

Quakers and the new year honours list

by Symon Hill

6th January 2011

BAE plea bargain gets unbargained for results

by Symon Hill

For the first time, a High Court judge has said that arms giant BAE Systems appears to have benefited from corruption – just as the company was hoping to put the accusations…

20th October 2010

Quakers thanked

by Symon Hill

An MP at the forefront of the campaign to raise the military recruitment age has thanked Quakers for drawing his attention to the issue.  Julian Huppert, Liberal Democrat MP…

20th October 2010

Short prison sentences don’t work

by Raymond Mgadzah

Short prison sentences neither reform individuals nor cut crime. That is the conclusion of a major survey of prison governors.