A Quaker couple in Uganda have pioneered a new project aimed at tackling environmental problems and securing employment for disabled people. Mike and Liz Watson, of Skipton…
The House of Lords has rejected a last-ditch attempt to prevent same-sex civil partnerships being registered on religious premises in England and Wales. The news has been welcomed…
Quakers in England and Wales are now able to host same-sex civil partnership ceremonies in their Meeting houses. The legal ban on the use of religious buildings to host the…
As the ‘Occupy’ movement spreads to universities, at least one protest camp has included several Quakers, a Meeting for Worship and a very visible Quaker banner.
A Quaker charity has won a national Plain English Award. The charity, Life in Palestine, is run by six Quaker trustees from across the South Lakes region and received the award,…
Martina Weitsch and Liz Scurfield, joint representatives at the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA), are planning to retire in the autumn of 2012. The QCEA was founded in…
Campaigns for economic alternatives should be linked to movements for peace. That’s the message coming from delegates at a world gathering of co-operatives meeting in Cancun,…
Meeting for Sufferings, which met at Friends House in London on 3 December, heard how changes at The Retreat aim to renew Quaker influence and connect the vision of founder…
Recording clerk induction Paul Parker, recording clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM), reported to Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) on his induction activities since his…
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