15th July 2011

Back in the trenches?

by Derek Brett

Last Thursday will go down in the history books as a milestone in the history of conscientious objection. After sixty years, the European Court of Human Rights at last ruled…

15th July 2011

British Quaker arrested by Israeli authorities

by Symon Hill

An eighty-three-year-old British Quaker has been arrested by Israeli authorities while trying to visit Bethlehem. John Lynes, a Hastings-based Quaker, is one of sixty-nine…

15th July 2011

Weapons sold to Bahrain

by The Friend Newsdesk

Business secretary Vince Cable is facing legal action over the sale of weapons used against peaceful demonstrators in Bahrain. Armoured vehicles made in the UK were sold to Saudi…

15th July 2011

Methodists warn against ‘Big Society’

by The Friend Newsdesk

Britain’s Methodists have warned that David Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ initiative could end up fuelling poverty and division. The coalition’s economic policies came under…

8th July 2011

Locked up – just in case

by Ian Kirk-Smith

  As the Justice Bill goes to the committee stage in parliament, support is growing for a thorough reform of the system of Indeterminate Sentences for Public Protection (IPP).…

27th May 2011

Teenage soldiers given right to discharge

by Symon Hill

Quakers have been central to a campaign that resulted in a change to government policy last week, as a minister announced that teenage soldiers will be given the right to discharge…

Saumur honours William Penn
27th May 2011

Saumur honours William Penn

by Friend Newsdesk
27th May 2011

Court-martial urged to dismiss case

by Symon Hill

A court-martial has been urged to dismiss the case against a naval medic who was accused of ‘disobedience’ after developing ethical objections to the war in Afghanistan.…

27th May 2011

Quaker receives Blair Fellowship

by Symon Hill

A Quaker postgraduate student has been chosen as one of thirty people to receive a fellowship from the ‘Faith Acts’ programme run by the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

27th May 2011

Quaker elected confederal secretary of ETUC

by Friend Newsdesk

A Quaker has been chosen as a confederal secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). Judith Kirton-Darling, a member of Brussels Meeting, was elected at ETUC’s…

Marching truth to power
20th May 2011

Marching truth to power

by Symon Hill
20th May 2011

Living wage campaign

by Friend Newsdesk

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) are among signatories of a joint letter urging FTSE 100 companies to support the campaign for a living wage.  The FairPensions…