Quakers have been urged to speak out against prejudices that lead to poor people being blamed for their own poverty. Quaker Social Action (QSA) has backed a call by Church…
Quaker human rights lawyer Rachel Brett has been announced as this year’s Swarthmore Lecturer. She will deliver the annual lecture of British Quakers at Friends House in London…
British courts have convicted 120 people of failure to complete last year’s census. A boycott was triggered by the involvement of arms firms. Those found guilty have been…
Several Quaker Meetings have welcomed worshippers from local churches in celebration of the week of Prayer for Christian Unity. In a number of towns, united worship was held at a…
Friends in Geneva have strongly criticised Switzerland’s banking and financial systems. Geneva Monthly Meeting said that institutions in their city are responsible for ‘acute…
Two years after a successful campaign against ‘vulture funds’, the NGO, Jubilee Debt Campaign, has warned that the European debt crisis will give them a new opportunity to…
Anglican environmentalists say they are inspired by the example of British Quakers in divesting from the multinational oil firm BP. They have launched the ‘Good Steward’…
Friends in Northern Ireland are working together to produce a Quaker response to the NI Executive’s new Draft Programme for Government 2011 – 2015.
The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) has described the European Union’s (EU) latest report on arms exports as ‘too late and incomplete’. The report on European…
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