22nd November 2013

White Feather Diaries

by Caroline Humphries

Quakers in Britain are to launch The White Feather Diaries, an online storytelling project to mark the centenary of the first world war.  The real-time story follows five…

15th November 2013

Spring change for Friends House garden

by Caroline Humphries

The garden at Friends House is due to be reshaped next spring to give better access for wheelchair users. Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees approved the plans for major works…

15th November 2013

Prisons Week

by The Friend Newsdesk

The number of children whose parents are in prison is one of the issues being highlighted by Prisons Week, which runs from 17 to 23 November.  The concern has been raised by…

Remembrance Sunday peace witness
15th November 2013

Remembrance Sunday peace witness

by The Friend Newsdesk
8th November 2013

Friends House energy switch

by Caroline Humphries

Good Energy has taken over as the new energy supplier to Friends House from 1 November. The decision to switch was made by Friends House Hospitality Board.  In 2009 there was…

8th November 2013

UN climate talks to begin in Warsaw

by Caroline Humphries

Climate change is on the international agenda next week in Warsaw when negotiators meet for a new round of talks under the UN Climate Convention.  The Polish capital will…

Cambridge Peace Trail
8th November 2013

Cambridge Peace Trail

by Caroline Humphries
1st November 2013

War trauma worst for disadvantaged young

by Caroline Humphries

Young soldiers recruited from disadvantaged backgrounds are much more likely to return from war with mental health problems than other troops, says a new report published by human…

1st November 2013

New project on Quaker business history

by Caroline Humphries

Nicola Sleap has been appointed as researcher to a new PhD research project into twentieth century Quaker business history. The project is the first PhD to be funded by the…

1st November 2013

Apology requested

by Caroline Humphries

Paul Parker, recording clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting was among the twelve senior representatives from churches and Christian organisations in the United Kingdom who, on 24…

1st November 2013

A Remembrance Day to remember

by The Friend Newsdesk

On Remembrance Sunday, 10 November, Bradford Meeting and other concerned groups are organising two events as the start of their commemoration of the onset of the first world war.

1st November 2013

Back to the future for public money?

by Judy Kirby

Nothing but trouble has come from market fundamentalism, professor Mary Mellor told Newcastle Friends at a public meeting of their Economic Justice Group on 24 October. ‘This…