25th October 2013

Militarisation in everyday life

by Caroline Humphries

Newcastle doesn’t have a lot of job opportunities. What incentive is there for a government to put in more job opportunities if the way they are going to recruit their army is…

25th October 2013

Quakers concern about RE

by The Friend Newsdesk

Friends in the south-west have highlighted a concern about the future of Religious Education (RE) in schools in England.  The issue was raised in a public meeting on…

Welsh Quakers highlight terror of drones
25th October 2013

Welsh Quakers highlight terror of drones

by The Friend Newsdesk
25th October 2013

Remembrance Day lecture

by The Friend Newsdesk

Alastair McIntosh, the Quaker campaigner and author, is to give the Movement for the Abolition of War (MAW) annual lecture at the Imperial War Museum on Sunday 10 November.

25th October 2013

Rainbows within rainbows

by The Friend Newsdesk

The theme for the most recent gathering of the Quaker Lesbian Group, held at Leicester Friends Meeting House in late September, was ‘Rainbows within Rainbows’. It was explored…

18th October 2013

Faith groups take Lobbying Bill fight to the Lords

by Caroline Humphries

Quakers are working with other faith groups to oppose the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill (known as the ‘Lobbying Bill’) as…

18th October 2013

Witness or whitewash?

by Caroline Humphries

Friends House is to host an open panel debate on 17 October about ‘Church Investment: witness or whitewash?’ during National Ethical Investment Week, which runs from 13 to 19…

18th October 2013

Call for decisive action on corruption

by The Friend Newsdesk

Organisations and partners representing millions of people across the globe have issued an open letter challenging the world’s governments, financial institutions and church…

18th October 2013

Banbury hosts sustainability forum

by Raymond Mgadzah

Banbury Meeting’s second annual sustainability forum has been hailed as a great success.  The clerk to Banbury Meeting, Judith Mason, said the forum was attended by over…

New Peace Trail
18th October 2013

New Peace Trail

by The Friend Newsdesk
Outreach in Wimborne
18th October 2013

Outreach in Wimborne

by The Friend Newsdesk
11th October 2013

Meeting for Sufferings: Call for fossil fuel disinvestment

by Caroline Humphries

Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) has encouraged Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees to give up BYM’s investment in fossil fuels.  The recommendation reflected a groundswell…