Meeting for Sufferings: QCEA - ‘Your Quaker voice in Europe’
Sarah Coote spoke to Meeting for Sufferings about the work of QCEA
The diverse work and witness of the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) was reported to Meeting for Sufferings. Sarah Coote, Britain Yearly Meeting representative to QCEA, spoke very lucidly and passionately about the activities of the organisation and talked about personnel changes and the current work priorities.
She explained that QCEA is drawn up of Friends from all parts of Europe and described the organisation as ‘Your Quaker voice in Europe’. Sarah highlighted the work that QCEA is currently doing on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Sarah described the work priorities as peace, EU relations (including Israel/Palestine), human rights, criminal justice and sustainability. She talked of the need to support the work of QCEA both practically and financially.
A very successful conference, co-hosted by QCEA and Quaker Peace & Social Witnes and held in Brussels, was organised in November 2013 on the theme ‘Europe and Economic Justice: Guaranteeing a fair share’. The new clerk to the Council is Oliver Robertson. He is currently exploring ways of fundraising for future work.