5th June 2015

Divestment continues to strike a chord with Friends

by Tara Craig

The Friends World Commit-tee for Consultation (FWCC) is the latest Quaker organisation to consider divesting from companies engaged in the extraction and distribution of fossil…

5th June 2015

Hlekweni maps out its future

by Tara Craig

A new strategy was announced by the Friends of Hlekweni at a recent business meeting held at Milton Keynes Meeting House on 31 May. The strategy was the result of nine months’…

Settle Friends raise the roof
5th June 2015

Settle Friends raise the roof

by Tara Craig
5th June 2015

New notes at Bunhill

by Tara Craig

The Quaker Music Group has held its first meeting. Five Friends gathered recently at Bunhill Fields Meeting House in London. They brought with them ‘a whole bunch of…

Eccles Friends enjoy a new room with a view
5th June 2015

Eccles Friends enjoy a new room with a view

by Tara Craig
5th June 2015

Fuel poverty tackled in joint effort

by Tara Craig

Churches, charities and an electricity provider have united to launch the first fuel banks in Britain. The Trussell Trust, National Energy Action, npower and Durham Christian…

5th June 2015

Student pressure prompts divestment U-turn

by Tara Craig

The campaign to promote divestment from fossil fuels, pioneered by faith groups such as the Religious Society of Friends, continues to gain momentum in Britain. Student campaigners…

5th June 2015

Friends House to host major conference for health professionals

by Tara Craig

Friends House in London is to host a major two-day conference on ‘Health Through Peace’ in November. A coalition of health and peace organisations – including Medact, The…

29th May 2015

Quakers help ‘at risk’ groups in Nepal

by Tara Craig

Rice and relief packages for pregnant women have been organised by Friends and distributed to victims of the recent earthquakes in Nepal. Quaker South Asia Interest Group (QSAIG)…

29th May 2015

Quakers lead the way with the Lobbying Act

by Tara Craig

The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) is the first charity to declare donations under the terms of the new Lobbying Act. The Society was one of twelve charities to register…

29th May 2015

Friends in Burundi face unrest

by Tara Craig

David Bucura of the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has called on Quakers worldwide to remember those dealing with the ongoing political upheaval in Burundi. The…

New Meeting house for Stockport Friends
29th May 2015

New Meeting house for Stockport Friends

by Tara Craig