‘Nonconformist responses to the world war one’ was the theme for the Quaker Studies Research Association’s annual conference.
Friends from Southern Marches Area Meeting have proposed, in an Area Meeting minute brought to Meeting for Sufferings, that a ‘memorial to the innocent victims of war’ be…
Further to minute MfS/15/02/11, the Quaker Committee for Christian and Interfaith Relations (QCCIR) brought a revised paper to Meeting for Sufferings. The committee hopes to send…
Quaker Peace & Social Witness Central Committee (QPSWCC) clerk Charlotte Seymour-Smith told Sufferings ‘how we do it is as important as what we do’. She explained that much…
The number of people in Britain who live in poverty today and who do not have access to financial services has been a concern of Friends in Wales. In May Friends attending North…
Marigold Bentley and Bessie White attended the Jalsa Salana on 23 August as interfaith visitors. The Jalsa Salana is a three-day gathering of Ahmadiyya Muslims. It was designed…
The four Eva Koch scholars presented their work to a fifty-strong audience at the Woodbrooke Study Centre in Birmingham on 22 August. Helen Chambers, Peni Connolly, Julianna…
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