Toby Spence with Michael Goodwin. Photo: courtesy of Sibford School.

Toby Spence appointed.

Sibford appoints new head

Toby Spence appointed.

by Ian Kirk-Smith 29th January 2016

Toby Spence has been appointed as the new head of Sibford School near Banbury. He succeeds Michael Goodwin, who retires after being head of the Quaker school since 2004. Toby is only the twelfth head in Sibford’s 174-year history.

Born in Newcastle upon Tyne, Toby was brought up as a Quaker. He attended The King’s School in Tynemouth and went on to study History and Physical Education at Sheffield University before beginning his teaching career in 1992. He spent five years as head of history at Bootham School, the Quaker school in York.

Toby said: ‘To quote Quaker Advices & queries 27, I am a firm believer in “living one’s life adventurously” and I see the central themes of a Quaker education as more relevant than ever today.’


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