Friends at the vigil. Photo: Courtesy of QCA.

QCA joined a vigil at a slaughterhouse

Quakers in slaughterhouse vigil

QCA joined a vigil at a slaughterhouse

by Harry Albright 17th March 2017

Quaker Concern for Animals (QCA) joined Oxfordshire Animal Save on 3 March for an act of witness at a slaughterhouse near Witney in Oxfordshire.

The Save Movement is a worldwide network of groups bearing witness to farmed animals, advocating veganism, and promoting ‘love-based’ grassroots activism.

QCA is one of the Save Movement groups in the UK that hold vigils at slaughterhouses as a quiet witness.

QCA member Julie Hinman, of Littlehampton Meeting, said: ‘Sometimes trucks stop to let us offer acts of kindness to the animals, to give them water, witness their plight and acknowledge them as individuals – not products. Sadly the truck we saw today refused to do so.’

She added: ‘The trucks are very high, but the animals’ eyes and noses could be seen searching out, and I felt saddened that I could not help these beautiful creatures who, to me, are an expression of the life energy we all share. Although inherently sad, the mutual support, and the fact that there are other groups doing the same, made this feel a positive action.’

Correction: A 17 March news item suggested that Quaker Concern for Animals (QCA) is part of the Save Movement. While QCA stands in solidarity with The Save Movement, it wishes to make it clear that it does not speak on behalf of either Oxfordshire Animal Save or The Save Movement.


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