Finn and Francesca, members of Sibford School’s Fairtrade Group, with Mark Higgins. Photo: Sibford School.
Sibford School to use Fairtrade bananas
Pupils at the Quaker school have persuaded the catering company to only supply Fairtrade bananas
Only Fairtrade bananas will be served on the lunchtime fruit counter at Sibford School in future.
The decision marks the successful culmination of a campaign organised by students at the Quaker school that led to an agreement with the catering company.
Sixth-form pupil Finn, who is part of the school’s Fairtrade Group, said: ‘We were able to announce the change to the fruit suppliers during Fairtrade Fortnight, when we also held special break time sales selling Fairtrade chocolate bars, jelly beans and chocolate eggs and generally raising awareness of the Fairtrade campaign.’
Mark Higgins, catering manager at the school, said: ‘For a long time now we have been using Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar, but our fruit suppliers have tended to differ depending on who has had the best deal. However, we like to work closely with the pupils at the school and, following their well-researched persuasion, we have agreed to ensure that, from now on, we will only supply Fairtrade bananas.’