Analysis by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation indicates that poverty is set to increase

Numbers of those in poverty will rise in 2018, says JRF

Analysis by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation indicates that poverty is set to increase

by Rebecca Hardy 2nd February 2018

This year is set to be an increasingly difficult one for low-income households, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has predicted, with average price inflation for the UK standing at its highest since April 2012.

According to economist Laurie Heykoop, writing on the JRF website, low-income families will also be hit hard by rising transport costs, increased energy and food prices, and the benefit freeze, which by 2020-21 will have pushed almost half a million more people into poverty.

Food, energy and travel costs have also been rising significantly.

The JRF says that a fifth of low income families experience problem debt, most commonly in connection with council tax or rent arrears, followed by energy and water.


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