Friends gathered at Glenthorne to discuss 'Writing at the Edge'

QUIP gather for Glenthorne conference

Friends gathered at Glenthorne to discuss 'Writing at the Edge'

by The Friend Newsdesk 11th May 2018

The annual Quakers Uniting in Publications (QUIP) conference was held at Glenthorne Quaker Centre and Guest House in Cumbria last month to explore the topic ‘Writing at the Edge’.

Thirty-seven people from the US and across Europe were registered at the centre in Grasmere from 26-29 April.

Geoffrey Durham, the keynote speaker, examined what it might mean to be ‘at the edge’. He reminded Friends that they can speak only from their own experience and emphasised the importance of storytelling in communicating with others.

The four-day event included workshops by Gil Skidmore; Joe Jones, publications manager of Britain Yearly Meeting; Gabe Ehri, editor of Friends Journal; and writers Stephen Cox and John Lampen.

Other panels considered topics such as the challenge of translating Quaker publications to and from English, as well as writing at the social and political edge.


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