Friends aged sixteen to seventy-six have been appointed to the Book of Discipline Revision Committee

Meeting for Sufferings: Wide age range appointed to Book of Discipline Revision Committee

Friends aged sixteen to seventy-six have been appointed to the Book of Discipline Revision Committee

by Rebecca Hardy 8th February 2019

Two teenagers have been appointed to the Book of Discipline Revision Committee, it was announced at Meeting for Sufferings on 2 February.

Sixteen-year-old James Weir from Cumberland AM and seventeen-year-old Anya Nanning Ramamurthy from North London Area Meeting (AM) are the youngest members of the group which includes twenty-four people. The committee spans a wide age range up to a Friend in his late seventies.

Friends also heard that Chris Alton, artist and author of the Swarthmore Lecture 2018, Changing ourselves, changing the world, from South London AM, is on the list, which was selected by Central Nominations Committee (CNC) from 200 names offered.

David Beale, interim co-clerk of CNC, told Meeting for Sufferings that it was ‘the most important and difficult work I’ll ever do for Friends because it was so multidimensional’. He made the point that finding nominations for the Book of Discipline Revision Committee was ‘starting from scratch… we were putting together a whole huge committee’. This involved not only ‘discerning the right people, but also the right people with the right skills and the right spread’ in terms of age, geography, gender, language and skills. He said they wanted to ‘find Friends whose voices are not normally heard’. This process involved ‘quietly discerning that these were the right people as well as the right balance’.

The demographics of the group consist of: two in the sixteen- to eighteen-year-old bracket; one in the eighteen- to twenty-five bracket; six people between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five; three in the thirty-six to forty-five category; five people between the ages of forty-six and fifty-five; one from the fifty-six to sixty-five group; and six members over the age of sixty-six.

The rest of the twenty-four committee members are: Michael Phipps (Chilterns AM), Judith Thompson (Devon AM), Craig Barnett (Sheffield & Balby AM), Tas Cooper (Oxford & Swindon AM), Ben Pink Dandelion (Pendle Hill AM), Joycelin Dawes (North London AM), Rhiannon Grant (Central England AM), simon gray (Central England AM), Jessica Hubbard-Bailey (Sheffield & Balby AM), Catherine James (North Wales AM/ CCR Gogledd Cymru), Jennifer Kavanagh (London West AM), Sally Kikaya (North West London AM), Matthew Moore (Northumbria AM), Eleri Pengelly (South London AM), Rachel Muers (Leeds AM), Alice Southern (South Wales AM/ CCR De Cymru), Nuala Watt (West Scotland AM), Ben Wood (Leeds AM) and Mary Woodward (South East Scotland AM).

Co-clerks Rosie Carnall and Catherine Brewer were announced as committee members at the previous Meeting for Sufferings on 24 November.


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