Traidcraft, the Christian retailer promoting Fairtrade goods, has unveiled a plan to rescue it from the threat of closure.
Llandrindod Wells Friends hosted a day of ‘silence, inner stillness and sacred music’ this week as part of a global event celebrating meditation.
A Quaker online discussion group set up to explore the potential benefits of Land Value Tax (LVT) has been awarded a Quaker Peace Social & Witness (QPSW) sustainability and new…
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has become the first faith group in the UK to announce it will not invest any of its centrally-held funds in companies profiting from ‘the occupation…
The trustees of The Friend Publications Limited (TFPL) have expressed their delight at welcoming the new CEO and editor of TFPL on board. Joseph Jones will be the twentieth editor…
Friends were dismayed when two white poppy wreaths from the centenary of Armistice Day were stolen from local war memorials. Bath Quakers had their white poppy wreath stolen for…
A Quaker credited with helping save countless lives after the first world war is being celebrated with displays in the North Yorkshire town of Thirsk.
Ellis Brooks, from Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), has spoken on the radio this month about the new documentary War School, which previewed at Friends House in London.
Quakers enjoyed a lively Inter Faith Week from 11 to 18 November with a wide range of events and activities. From a death café, organised by Leicester Friends on 18 November, to a…
The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) took part in the Paris Peace Forum this month.
Friends met for the Quaker Activist Gathering at Lancaster Meeting House on 3 November. The action-focused day was for ‘Quakers who identify as activists, framed in worship’.
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