14th September 2018

FWCC launches fund for Young Friends

by Rebecca Hardy

The Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has launched a new Young Adult Friends Development Fund to support projects that ‘benefit and strengthen the network of Young…

14th September 2018

Quaker designs stage for play on ‘truth’

by Rebecca Hardy

A member of Winchmore Hill Meeting has stage-designed a play at the Southbank Centre in London, which explores the notion of truth in the world of fake news.

14th September 2018

Fracking consultation

by Rebecca Hardy

A briefing paper for Friends on how to respond to the government’s fracking consultation has been written by Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW).

Tottenham Friends hold garden party
14th September 2018

Tottenham Friends hold garden party

by Rebecca Hardy
14th September 2018

QHA at homeless street festival

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Homeless Action (QHA) took part in a new street festival for homeless people this month.

14th September 2018

Climate change exhibition

by Rebecca Hardy

Norwich Friends launched an exhibition at their Meeting house this month in partnership with Climate Hope and Action in Norfolk. The exhibition aims to ‘explore life in a rapidly…

7th September 2018

Quaker scientist refers to faith in climate change paper

by Rebecca Hardy

A leading Quaker scientist has published two peer-reviewed climate science papers, one in which he breaks with academic convention by referring to the moral issues involved in…

7th September 2018

QCEA highlights proposed increase in EU military spending

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) has spoken out about what it calls the ‘unprecedented levels of funding for border management and military projects’ in the…

From Yemen to Huddersfield
7th September 2018

From Yemen to Huddersfield

by Rebecca Hardy
7th September 2018

Woodbrooke tutor launches game

by Rebecca Hardy

A Woodbrooke associate tutor has produced a Quaker card game celebrating the power of prayer. Jennifer Kavanagh’s ‘Prayer Game’ came out of a five-day retreat she led on…

7th September 2018

Swarthmore Lecture published

by Rebecca Hardy

This year’s Swarthmore Lecture by Chris Alton, the Quaker artist, has just been published.

7th September 2018

Support for hunger striker continues

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers were among those joining the hunger striker Ali Mushaima outside the Bahrain Embassy in a candle-lit prayer. The vigil supported the twenty-third day of protest for his…