Quakers on anti-racism march in Berlin
Friends took part in an anti-racist march in Berlin on 19 May
Members of the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) were among the 30,000 people who took part in a march against nationalism and hate in Berlin this month. The ‘Ein Europa für Alle (One Europe for all)’ protest on 19 May was held exactly one week before the European elections in Germany, where, according to Andrew Lane, director of QCEA, ‘the far-right AfD party have been a growing political force in recent years’.
He told the Friend: ‘Several Quaker organisations were in Berlin for the annual meeting of Church and Peace – a network which brings together Quakers, Mennonites and other churches committed to nonviolence. Peter Doubtfire from the Quaker Peace Hub in Birmingham was there.’
Andrew Lane said the protest ‘fits with Quaker work on equality and anti-racism’.