Friends from Kingston and Wandsworth Area Meeting have committed to recording their annual carbon dioxide emissions data in response to a concern about climate change. The action…
Two fifteen-year-old London Friends have launched a teenage Quaker group in a bid to make Meetings less ‘isolating’ for younger attenders.
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has launched a survey with the aim of examining the diversity of the UK Quaker community.
Quakers Jennifer Kavanagh and Chloe Scaling talked about Quakerism in a BBC1 programme last month to mark Advent.
The ‘Stansted Fifteen’ group of protestors have been found guilty of endangering the safety of Stansted Airport, under counter-terrorism legislation that could result in life…
Quakers hosted an evening to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Circles UK, the charity that works to provide ‘circles of support and accountability’ to convicted sex…
MP Andrew Mitchell told Sutton Coldfield Friends that Brexit was ‘dominating the parliamentary agenda’, so there was little time to debate sustainability.
Bury St Edmunds Quakers have sent a statement to the local press acting on a concern about the UK government’s response to the report by UN special rapporteur professor Philip…
More than forty people attended a workshop organised by London Quakers at Friends House last month.
ON Sunday 25 November Meeting for Sufferings, which was held at Woodbrooke in Birmingham, received a report from the review group it appointed to look at the work of the Committee…
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