22nd February 2019

Hitchin Meeting to consider Brexit angst

by Rebecca Hardy

Hitchin Quakers held a special Meeting for Worship for Business this month to consider ways to heal the divisions in society caused by Brexit.

Exhibition on peace activism at LSE
22nd February 2019

Exhibition on peace activism at LSE

by Rebecca Hardy
22nd February 2019

Dundee Meeting to go ‘back home’

by Rebecca Hardy

Dundee Meeting has decided to return to its five-storey Meeting house after a two and a half year process of discernment.

Quakers celebrate Stansted Fifteen news
15th February 2019

Quakers celebrate Stansted Fifteen news

by Rebecca Hardy
15th February 2019

Southern Marches’ anti slavery donation

by Rebecca Hardy

Canon Noel Beattie, founder of the Lifting the Stone Coalition/Anti-Slavery Network in the Marches, has thanked Southern Marches Area Meeting for what he describes as their…

15th February 2019

QCEA launches peace education report

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) has launched a new report on peace education arguing for the EU to adopt a ‘multi-layered’ approach. It calls for a ‘cohesive,…

15th February 2019

New Quaker Meeting in Florence

by Rebecca Hardy

A forty-one-year-old Friend has started a Quaker group in Florence, Italy after ‘craving’ the silence of a Meeting.

15th February 2019

Quaker Centre Gathering in Sheffield

by Rebecca Hardy

Thirty-three Friends gathered at Sheffield Meeting House last month for the annual two-day Quaker Centre Gathering.

15th February 2019

BYM urges action on immigration bill

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting is urging action against proposed bills around immigration and climate change. Suki Ferguson, Quaker Peace & Social Witness communications coordinator,…

15th February 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Record of all Friends who died in the first world war

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has committed itself to creating a record of Quakers who died in the first world war, after rousing ministry at Meeting for Sufferings on 2 February.…

15th February 2019

Meeting for Sufferings: Terms of Reference for two new groups approved

by Elinor Smallman

Two new Meeting for Sufferings groups had their Terms of Reference approved by representatives at Sufferings.

8th February 2019

QSA to address ‘confusing’ fund

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Social Action (QSA) has launched a new training workshop aimed at easing the ‘confusing’ application process for people seeking financial help for funeral costs. The…