Better websites for all Quaker Meetings
Ten websites are about to be unveiled by the Quaker Meetings Network initiative
The Quaker Meetings Network (QMN) initiative set up to provide help in creating websites has announced that the first swathe of Meeting sites will go live this month.
Keith Walton, co-founder of the initiative, said that the network was launched in October and now plans to unveil around ten websites for Quaker Meetings. The network emerged out of Yearly Meeting Gathering 2017 in Warwick and was followed by a group of volunteers from all over the UK who looked at many existing websites to gather ideas. Keith Walton, a member of Wandsworth Meeting, said that a website has three core functions which are ‘basically to do with out-reach and in-reach’. He said these are ‘one, to attract newcomers; two, to keep existing Friends informed; and three, to advertise the rooms to people who wanted to hire them’.
He said the group has spent time looking at a whole range of websites from the good to ‘the frankly dire’, to assess which were the best models.
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